iBooks on iTunes
Need more than just the videos? We also offer our most popular training lessons for underground water and sewer as textbooks through iTunes for business, classroom and DIY use.
All textbooks include:
Safety video
O.D. Chart video
Introduction videos specific to the training
Installation video specific to the training and its transcript
3D animated review
Review of the lesson with video clips
For more information, click on the links below to preview them in iTunes.
MJ Install for
PVC Pipe
MJ Install for
Ductile Iron Pipe
Bolted Coupling
Bronze Service Saddle Install
Wedge Style MJ
Restrainer Install
Pack Joint Fitting
Gasketed Sewer Fitting Install
The textbook includes all of the videos from the original DVD lesson, transcripts for the key videos, a 3D animated review, review/quiz and a glossary. They also come with illustrations, images and captions. To help with retention, the review/quiz includes multiple choice, matching, true/false and order sequence. ​
Books can only be viewed on an iOS device with Apple books on iOS 12 or later, or an iPad with iBooks 2 or later and iOS 5 or later, an iPhone with iOS 8.4 or later, or a Mac with OS X 10.9 or later.